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Paradise Pump Station Rehabilitation
Town of Corte Madera

Corte Madera, CA

MCK is providing Construction Management and Inspection services for the Paradise Pump Station Rehabilitation Project, which will rehabilitate the pump station to provide reliable pump operation and continuous uninterrupted sewer conveyance. Scope consists of installation of new pumps, discharge piping, valves, flow meter, supports, anchorage, VFDs, programmable logic controllers, backup pump controller, valve vault, access hatch, ventilation improvements, gas system monitoring improvements and lighting. The work also includes erosion control, temporary bypass pumping, potholing, dewatering, wet well coatings, drywell floor coatings, stair drain line replacement, bypass pumping connection, future parallel force main
connection, chemical injection system hardware improvements, chain-link gate installation, surge tank drain line installation, asphalt resurfacing and other related work. 

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